Sunday, May 20, 2012

Back to the Shuttle!

Today is six weeks since I fell and broke my arm, and the good news is -- it's so much better today than then!  I am typing with both hands, but don't know for how long - once my arm is tired, I just have to stop what I'm doing and rest it. 

I started tatting this past week and while I'm moving slower, the knots look even, so I'm satisfied.  The Palmetto Guild meeting was yesterday, and I got to go down to Lexington for it!  We were having a work session to finish up old unfinished projects from previous Tat Days; I didn't have any, so I worked on stuff for this year!

Oh, and just so there's no misunderstanding - I had no unfinished projects not because I always finish up my class projects that weekend; it's that I cut those shuttles loose long ago!  The shuttles were emptied making giveaways for the SC State Fair in October. 

The nails on my left hand have grown to a ridiculous length (ridiculous for me, anyway) as it hurt to move my wrist when trying to trim them.  That's a project I'll be working on shortly since my arm is doing so much better.  In fact, strike while the iron is hot - I'm making typos so maybe it's time to go work on them instead of the blog!

I'll leave you a couple of pictures of what I worked on yesterday:

PS - I noticed that, according to Blogger, this is my 100th post!  Can that be right?!
PPS - Does anybody like the "new" Blogger that was previewed last month?  If they change to that, I think I'll be shopping around for a new blog home!