Just bought it in the last few days - it's solid oak and feels nice in your hand. Holds a bunch of thread, too! The seller is Monica Braxton (the link will take you to her Etsy shop).
It took me a few minutes to get used to tatting with it, as it's a different shape from what I've been used to using, but I got the knack and quickly tatted a little butterfly (below).
It's affordable; and she has another style shuttle as well as some lovely hand-dyed threads.
I may have to get back into knitting - my DGD asked today if I'd teach her to knit! She's eight years old now, and I had already bought and put away for her a pair of child-sized knitting needles. I got them out, let her pick out the yarn she wanted to use, and away we went! She's decided that she wants to knit a scarf and a bag. Ambitious, right?! She seems to understand the construction of the stitch and told me, "It'll just take practice, Granny." She constantly amazes me!