Yes, I'm saving up for Tat Days in September!! I plan to apply to teach and have four patterns written and being tested, and a couple more that are in the final stages before I write them up. There is a new angel for 2012, and a butterfly, a bracelet, a wreath, and a 2d bell. Wish me good luck!
Other than working on tatting patterns, I bid on some 1940s Speedball pens and holders - it's a nice little set. I was the only bidder, and my bid came in for less (including shipping) than a comparable modern set at Hobby Lobby. I used to do some pen-and-ink work - we'll see if I still can! I did buy a new bottle of ink in hopes of winning!
The top shuttle is one that was decorated by Hope Bates, whose shuttles I've shared before on my blog. This one has a rose on the other side - it's pictured on the TIAS blog along about Day 3. The other is a metal shuttle I bought from eBay last year.
I didn't make any New Year's Resolutions this year, but I hope to blog a little more often. Some folks find the time to blog daily - I can't, although I've tried - but I'm going to try hard to blog at least once a week starting now!