Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sharren in (Tatting) Wonderland!

There was a light mist on Lake Louise this morning, that became a light fog as we drove south on GA-17, heading for I-85.  Tat Days 2011 is over for another year.

The first person we saw, the first person we always see when we pull up in the parking lot of our Tat Days venue, was Martha Ess.  She looked great, as always, and told us she'd brought copies of her newest book.  And - time got away from me, and I didn't get one!!  Oh, well, I can order one from her.  We hung out in Griffith Hotel, our "home away from home," greeting new arrivals - which included CrazyMom, IsDihara, and Nina Libin!  Wonderful to see all three of them!

Our teacher orientation session was informative and pleasant - thanks, Joanie!  She is so much fun and so pleasant - we're good friends and don't get to talk nearly often enough!  She passed out teacher gift bags, handmade by our own Gloria Grumman (who is a genius with a sewing machine), which contained all sorts of wonderful stuff - the motif on the front, Jane Eborall's Octo-Flake, was tatted by Joanie Culverhouse.  Don't know who made the fob, but doesn't it look right at home on my scissors!

Riet Surtel-Smeulders arrived, wearing - believe it or not - Sock Monkey Earrings!  Even more astounding, she told me they are hand-knit!  Here is a closeup of one; that's Marie Smith's hand holding it still.  Riet is such a bundle of energy, those tiny monkeys were really dancing as she moved, talking animatedly with old friends and new!

And here is our dear friend, Erin Holloway-Moseley - wearing a beautiful tatted necklace made from hand-dyed thread.  I didn't catch the name of the artist who dyed it, but the colors were perfect with her outfit and the pattern was lovely!

This weekend has been a blur, but as I get a moment, I'll be writing more about it.  So much fun, I'm ready to re-pack and hit the road again!

 "Three more weeks until Tat Days"...then, "Two more weeks until Tat Days"...then, "Seven days until Tat Days!  I'll never make it!"  Then, it was here...and now, in just a heartbeat, I'm back to "Fifty more weeks until Tat Days..."

Oh, yeah, honey, I am definitely a tatter!!!


  1. I am so looking forward to retirement so that I can attend! Five more years!

  2. What a truly great post! Love the photos and love your perspective even more.

    Are you sure you don't have more lovely things to share about your tatting weekend? (Because, even though I was there, I can never get enough reports about tatting events. Really.)
